In this article we describe the MESO environment of a business, often analysed in order to map out the opportunities and threats to a company.
Introduction MESO Analysis
This article is a follow-up to the article: the marketing environment of a business. You have already known what the marketing environment of a business is and you will now read about a component of the marketing environment: Meso-environment.
What is Meso-environment?
The Meso environment relates to the factors with which the business can not respond to the environment whether directly or indirectly. This is the industry where it is active. Research primary factors of the market wherein it is active. A simple example. A business can not directly influence whether a market is easy or difficult to penetrate for newcomers (External Analysis - ABCD Analysis - Industry Analysis - Porter’s Five Forces Model) . The company can try as it might to make it difficult but the case is ultimately the same. From the meso-environment, come opportunities and threats.
How do you research the Meso- environment?
Research on the Meso-environment can be conducted using an External Analysis. You can find more information about this by clicking on the following link: External Analysis. The specific component of the External Analysis to research the Meso-environment is the ABCD Analysis. You can find more information about this by clicking on the following link: ABCD Analysis. Researching meso-environment is an important component of the research phase of the marketing plan. Also, more information on this by clicking on the following link: Research Phase of the Marketing Plan.
What does the Meso-environment consist of?
The Meso-environment consists of factors of the market wherein the business is active. Think of:
- distribution
- competition
- competitors
- general industrial factors
Caution: there is no fixed list of factors that must be researched. The structure that we offer ensures that important elements of the research are not neglected.